BEE ownership levels and statuses for QSEs and EMEs

On March 29th, the dti released a (draft) Easter gift to South African businesses in the form of a first-ever BEE incentive, along with some changes to Skills Development which could have far-reaching, positive, consequences for the economy, if companies will focus on implementations aligned to impact rather than to compliance only – which is where […]

Our Impact Inspired Launchpad Winner Discusses Takeaways

Our first round of our Impact Inspired closed with a pitch competition and the winner was Reitumetse Matla, founder of Greenthings Projects. Greenthings Projects’ goal is to create an app that would link small-holder farmers with resources (everything from advice to low-cost fertilizers). Reitumetse has a lot of great things to say, not only about his takeaways from participating in […]